The Isle of Man Gambling Supervision Commission (GSC) has today released a new Role Cessation Form (the ‘Form’) which formalises the way in which the GSC are provided with details of a person ceasing a role with a Licence Holder.
The form can be found on the Forms & Returns area of our website and should be completed by a Director of a Licence Holder when it is known that an individual holding any of the roles listed below will cease with the Licence Holder:
The Role Cessation Form requires details of the date (or intended date) and the reason for cessation along with details of the proposed replacement. The form also includes a declaration that ensures the Licence Holder has considered any risks that the operation is exposed to as a result of the change.
The form should be completed and signed off by a Director of the Licence Holder and emailed to the Lead Inspector or
Failure to provide the form will result in longer processing times and additional queries from the Lead Inspector.