19th July 2024 - GSC AML Forum

AML Forum 19th July 2024 - Blue GSC logo
The Isle of Man Gambling Supervision Commission (GSC) 21st AML Forum took place on the morning of 19 July 2024. A presentation was provided to industry stakeholders and partner agencies, in addition to a workshop and feedback survey.

Topics presented at the forum included:

    • Updates on the GSC and National Risk Assessment;
    • GSC AML outreach - what, why and how?;
    • Sanctions regimes, updates and how to make sanctions reports;
    • Inspection best practices and industry feedback;
    • Suspicious Activity Reporting - Typologies;
    • Suspicious Activity Reporting - stats & findings; and
    • An interactive workshop on SARs.

The Gambling Supervision Commission would like to thank all those who were in attendance at the AML Forum on 19th July 2024, both in-person and remotely. The AML Forum is the GSC’s time to share its findings and gather valuable feedback from the industry.

Commencing the Summer of 2024, the GSC will upload recorded versions of all AML forums, in addition to other relevant Outreach videos, so that the information can be viewed on-demand.

To view the video in full screen, and to skip to certain chapters, the video can be opened on YouTube.

Those who wish to view a copy of the slides used during this presentation can do so via the PDF version provided.