What is Strix

STRIX AML is a software which enables the Gambling Supervision Commission to receive, risk assess and analyse data from GSC Operators.

How does the GSC Use Strix?

The GSC uses STRIX AML to issue returns, in line with Part 2 Paragraph 6 of the Gambling (Anti-Money Laundering And Countering The Financing Of Terrorism) Act 2018, and other AML/CFT-related questionnaires to the industry. STRIX AML has been developed in line with recommendations set by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), which leads global efforts to tackle money laundering, and terrorist and proliferation financing. The software solution enables supervisors to deepen their understanding of AML/CFT risk and focus their resources on the firms and sectors that pose the biggest threats in line with the GSC’s risk-based approach.

How do I access Strix?

Prior to the release of a survey, GSC Operator contacts are uploaded to STRIX AML automatically. At the point when a Strix survey is released, you will receive an invitation to update your login details.

The portal requires you to set a password and uses multi-factor authentication. This login is specific to you, and should not be shared with others.

If you need to add or remove a STRIX AML user, contact the GSC directly at gscamlinspections@gov.im.

How do I fill in a Strix survey?

Once a survey is issued it must be completed within the deadline confirmed within the email. The Return will be sent to all Operators who held or were granted, a licence in the return period. If the Operator was not live or live for only part of the period, then please complete the Return with as much information as possible where applicable.

Not all questions will apply to all Operators, so you should only answer all questions which apply to your business. Many fields only have numerical value inputs, so where you feel further comment or explanation is necessary, this can be added to a comment field at the end of each section.

What is the reporting period?

Details on the reporting period of the survey can be located under the ‘Current Questionnaires’ section after logging in and before opening the return. It is important to only include data from the given reporting period in order to provide accurate information to the GSC.

View our Guidance on Strix Annual AML/CFT Statistical Returns for more information on how the GSC uses Strix AML, including instructions on getting set up.

For more information, a video of the launch presentation delivered jointly by the Gambling Supervision Commission and the Financial Services Authority in November 2023 has been produced and can be watched below. 

Additionally, we have also linked below two sets of guidance documents on how the STRIX Tool can be fully utilised: