A bench sat on a hill in Douglas bay, Isle Of Man. The sky is blue.

Online Gambling Quarterly Returns 

As part of licence conditions, licence holders are required to submit quarterly returns to provide information regarding Notifications, Player Fund Protection, Funding, Employment & SARs and to provide their Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account. 

Additionally, licence holders (excluding those purely licenced for Software/Token Based Software supply, are required to submit the AML/CFT Quarterly Return 

Returns are due on or before the 21st of the month following the quarter end as follows:

Quarter Date From  Date To Date Return Due

Quarter 1

 1 January

 31 March

 21 April 

Quarter 2

 1 April 

 30 June

 21 July

Quarter 3

 1 July

 30 September 

 21 October

Quarter 4

 1 October

 31 December

 21 January


Quarterly Returns Guidance 

We have also produced some guidance to assist you in the completion of the return which can be found here


Quarterly Return Forms 

Once completed, the returns should be emailed to us at the following email address: GSCGeneralSupervision@gov.im.


The declaration statement at the end of each regulatory return needs to be signed by a senior member of staff with finance responsibility, such as the Chief Financial Officer, in addition to a Director or Designated Official. A hard copy is not required.

We expect the signatories to make reasonable enquiries to ensure that the submitted regulatory return is accurate and complete.


Role Cessation Form

This form should be completed by a Director of a Licence Holder when it is known that an individual holding any of the roles listed on the form will cease with the Licence Holder.

The Role Cessation Form requires details of the date (or intended date) and the reason for cessation along with details of the proposed replacement.  The form also includes a declaration that ensures the Licence Holder has considered any risks that the operation is exposed to as a result of the change.

The form should be completed and signed off by a Director of the Licence Holder and emailed to the Lead Inspector or GSCGeneralSupervision@gov.im.

Failure to provide the form will result in longer processing times and additional queries form the Lead Inspector.