The licence page provides comprehensive information and guidelines for those interested in establishing a gambling operation on the Isle of Man.
The GSC’s licencing process is rigorous and thorough. The required information is outlined in a checklist, which can be downloaded under each licence or supplied upon request.
Each licence page details the various types of gambling licences, essential application requirements, and the process for businesses to apply.
The GSC offer the following types of gambling licences. More information can be found using the links above
Online Gambling
Land-Based Operations
The Isle of Man Gambling Supervision Commission regulates gambling activities on the Isle of Man. Therefore, its officers cannot provide advice on matters related to your application, as doing so could create a conflict of interest when evaluating any potential applications.
The information on the GSC’s website serves as a general guide and should not be considered advice or recommendations. Individuals are encouraged to seek independent legal advice or consult the eGaming team at Digital Isle of Man for guidance. contact-digital@gov.im