04 March 2025: New GSC AML Homepage and Website Updates

GSC Isle Of Man

The Gambling Supervision Commission (GSC) has made a series of updates to its website. A new AML/CFT divisional homepage has been created which links to all the relevant information on Anti-Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing (AML/CFT) including:

  • AML/CFT Legislation;
  • AML/CFT Guidance;
  • AML/CFT Publications;
  • AML/CFT Inspections information;
  • FATF & MONEYVAL Information.


The legislation and guidance pages’ information remain relatively unchanged; however, the new website layout will help users navigate to related GSC pages with more ease. Buttons on the AML/CFT division homepage link to AML/CFT guidance, legislation, publications and inspections information for ease of navigation.



A whistleblowing information page has also been created, providing information and guidance on how to raise a whistleblowing concern with the GSC.

Forms part of the GSC’s commitment to upholding the highest standard of AML/CFT supervision on the Isle of Man. If you have a whistleblowing concern, you can contact the Gambling Supervision Commission through any trusted contact. We’re committed to protecting your confidentiality and taking appropriate action – your voice matters.


AML/CFT Publications

This new publications page will host links to GSC reports, factsheets and more. The page will continue to be updated with new publications for stakeholders as part of our ongoing data-driven approach to AML/CFT supervision at the GSC. The threat of Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Proliferation Financing (ML/TF/PF) is constantly evolving and through proactive learning and outreach the GSC hopes to maintain the Isle of Man’s high standard of AML/CFT regulation.


Page listing former licence holders

The GSC has also published list of former licence holders. The list will continue to be maintained to provide real-time information on the status of licence holders and former licence holders via the GSC’s official website. This step underscores the GSC’s commitment to transparency and effective communication with stakeholders, enabling accurate information to be obtained swiftly.


Future plans:

The GSC continually updates and improves upon its outreach channels, including website changes, to provide up-to-date and accessible information to stakeholders. Further website updates the GSC will be providing in 2025 include:

  • Adding ‘Typologies’ and ‘Red Flags’ guidance documents to the “Publications” page of the website;
  • Continuation of webinar series which will be visible on the GSC “videos” page;
  • The publication of survey results for stakeholders to the “Publications” page; and
  • Ongoing performance and UX improvements.


The GSC will continue to uphold its reputation for clear and open outreach with stakeholders as part of its commitment to providing transparent and effective communications with stakeholders on the Isle of Man and further afield.