03 February 2025: GSC Inspections Methodology Guidance split.

The Gambling Supervision Commission (GSC) has split the Inspections Methodology Guidance into two documents.
The decision to split the Guidance on Inspections is in line with the structure and process of GSC inspections - with AML/CFT and General inspections separated into two distinct divisions in 2023.

Additionally, feedback from stakeholders regarding AML/CFT inspections has also informed the GSC's decision to split the inspection guidance into two distinct documents.


The first document is the AML/CFT Supervision Methodology and Inspection Procedures Guidance. The document is available on the AML/CFT Inspections page on the GSC website. 

Additional updates to the AML/CFT guidance include:

  • Updated Supervisory Methodology including type and frequency of inspections;
  • 'Visit' has been replaced with 'Inspection' to better align with the process;
  • Removal of elements relevant only to General Supervision Inspections for clarity.


General Supervision

The updated General Supervision Inspections Guidance document has also been published and can be found on the General Supervision page on our website. This document received no further changes. 

Collaboration between the GSC and the private sector is essential to identifying and mitigating evolving AML/CFT threats on the Isle of Man and further afield and the GSC values feedback from stakeholders. The GSC will continue to consider feedback from the industry as part of its ongoing commitment to evolving processes and documentation.