General Supervision Forms & Guidance





Role Cessation Form

This form should be completed by a Director of a Licence Holder when it is known that an individual holding any of the roles listed on the form will cease with the Licence Holder.

The Role Cessation Form requires details of the date (or intended date) and the reason for cessation along with details of the proposed replacement.  The form also includes a declaration that ensures the Licence Holder has considered any risks that the operation is exposed to as a result of the change.

The form should be completed and signed off by a Director of the Licence Holder and emailed to the Lead Inspector or

Click the image to see the form




General Supervision Inspection Procedures

This document describes only the actions that the GSC uses during its routine supervision.

As AML/CFT or compliance issues emerge or as particular findings dictate, the GSC may formulate responses that fall outside of this guidance.

Click the image to see the document


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