Peel Castle and Corrin's Hill at dusk shown from the sea

Enforcement Strategy 

The GSC recognises the importance of ensuring, by deterring wrongdoing and non-compliance, that its regulatory objectives are met and by association, the reputation of the Isle of Man as a reputable jurisdiction for gambling activity is maintained.

The GSC seeks to act promptly, firmly, fairly and proportionately where suspected misconduct is identified. It is the expectation of the GSC that all persons engaged within the gambling sector, act and adhere to the highest standards of integrity at all times; demonstrating competence to fulfil the roles and the responsibilities associated with those roles.

Greater detail on the GSC’s approach to enforcement matters can be found in the enforcement policy section of our website.

It is an offence to undertake activities that require a licence under any of the gambling acts when not holding such a licence. Where such cases are identified they will be pursued vigorously by the GSC.

The outcome of enforcement action taken by the GSC will be reflected in our enforcement registers and where relevant, will be accompanied by a public statement.

If you have any queries in relation to our approach to enforcement, please contact us by email on